My SVA ‘Grund’ Journey Has Ended!
I have been updating my svenska som andraspråk (Sva) journey in this post but achieving this milestone is worthy of a standalone post, so here it is…
1.5 years after moving to Sweden, I have completed my fundamental Swedish as a second language (in Swedish: grundläggande svenska som andraspråk). […]
My SVA Journey Has Begun!
Updated on 3 June: […]
My SFI journey has ended and so begins the next phase: Svenska som andraspråk (SVA) på grundläggande nivå. This program is equivalent to the Swedish education system of årskurs 7 - 9 (for students ages 12 to 14).
I’ve begun my 2-week orientation at the new school yesterday (25 April) and today sat for the validerande test (English: placement test). This test will determine the level in which I will be placed in the program. […]
What’s Next
In this post, I’d like to share about my two immediate, short-term personal projects.
The first one is related to my Swedish language learning and the second one is related to my existing Project Management Professional® (PMP®) certification. […]