My SVA ‘Grund’ Journey Has Ended!

I have been updating my svenska som andraspråk (Sva) journey in this post but achieving this milestone is worthy of a standalone post, so here it is…

1.5 years after moving to Sweden, I have completed my basic Swedish as a second language (in Swedish: grundläggande svenska som andraspråk or Sva grund) after starting with SFI (Svenska för invandrare). Sva grund is equivalent to the Swedish language study in årskurs 9 (i.e., 15-year-olds lower secondary students in Sweden or B2 in the CEFR terms). I study Swedish free of charge in a “Komvux” (short for kommunal vuxenutbildning, literally “municipal adult education”).

I am thankful and grateful to the Swedish government and kommun, my komvux teachers, my classmates, my manager (Magnus K.) at work, and just about everybody who has made this achievement possible. Thank you for the experience and knowledge gained!

What is my short-term (ST) future Swedish language plans? Ja… I will forge ahead with gymnasiet level—upper secondary school—svenska som andraspråk. This means I am continuing the journey until I reach the C1 level proficiency i.e., Sva 3 (there will be Sva 1, 2 and 3).

What is my long-term (LT) future Swedish language plans? I fantasize a lot about speaking like a native and reading Swedish books like I’m born for it, so yes, those are my LT plan. AND of course, to write or blog in the language—actually, this can be a ST plan too.


Let’s now look at something else. Here’s a picture taken this week on Wednesday at the Rådhusparken in the city. It’s supposed to be springtime but still… snow galore!


Presentation for SVA ‘delkurs 4’


Keys to Success — B. C. Forbes