2023, Quotes Alice . 2023, Quotes Alice .

The courage to be simple

It’s Wednesday and that means it’s day for the lightness of being. Look what’s on Issue 48! I’m honored and happy to see my typewritten quote card from April 2020 being featured as the cover—thank you, Isaiah Lim! […]

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2023, Quotes Alice . 2023, Quotes Alice .

When things happen…

Everything happens for a reason (or things happen—no reason). As usual, my awesome friend and former colleague Isaiah Lim has made something happen. And this is the reason I become a notch smarter every week […]

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Personal Projects, 2020 Alice . Personal Projects, 2020 Alice .

Jurong Bird Park Singapore

The last time I visited the Jurong Bird Park was about 10 years ago. Last week, I visited it again and this time with my friend and former colleague, Eunis. We spent the whole day exploring the bird park starting at about 10 AM through to around 5 PM. I was knackered by the time I was home but utterly satisfied.

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Random Stuff, 2020 Alice . Random Stuff, 2020 Alice .

Imperfect But Still Beautiful

I wondered about the story of this bird that we saw at a halal café called I am..., which is located at Haji Lane. Mr Bear and I were having breakfast at the café before we went about our morning errands. The bird’s right claw was missing three front toes. Was it born this way? Or, was he involved in some accident?

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Personal Projects, 2017 Alice . Personal Projects, 2017 Alice .

My 2009 Conference Presentation

This is a presentation I created in 2009 when I was invited as a guest speaker at an international conference in Singapore organized by the Asia Business Forum (ABF). It was an all-expense paid trip and I got to attend the whole conference too. My topic was CAREER PROGRESSION FOR PAs AND EXECUTIVE ASSISTANTS.

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Books, 2017 Alice . Books, 2017 Alice .

BuySingLit Festival 2017

Happy me! I stocked up my personal library with some local Singaporean literature at the BuySingLit Festival 2017 at Gillman Barracks in Singapore. I've thoroughly enjoyed myself in the weekend of activities dedicated to Singaporean literature, browsing the books, listening to local authors, talking to publishers and receiving book recommendations from them. It was awesome!

The highlight of my visit was meeting the author, poet, graphic guru, and thinker, the one and only Dr. Gwee Li Sui.

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Personal Projects, 2015 Alice . Personal Projects, 2015 Alice .

Library Member

I became a library member last Sunday!

I joined as a foreign member and the whole process was seamless and so efficient from start to finish. Prior to the visit, I did some research on the NLB's website and found everything I needed to know such as […]

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