2023, Books Alice . 2023, Books Alice .

New arrivals this week

I have new books arriving almost weekly, but this week’s new arrivals are worth mentioning!

Bokus.com is having a clearance sale with up to 90% discount on a wide selection of children’s books, biographies, thrillers, and on and on. No prize for guessing… I went straight to ‘work’! […]

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2023, Books Alice . 2023, Books Alice .

Studentlitteratur (The verdict? Wonderful!)

A new batch of books arrived last week on Friday. This time, I tried something different. Instead of buying from my default online bookseller, namely Bokus.com (when I buy Swedish books), I decided to get this batch of books directly from the publisher instead. The said publisher is Studentlitteratur.

Studentlitteratur is a Swedish publishing house that specializes in […]

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2023, Books Alice . 2023, Books Alice .

FACIT - Konsten att skriva krönikor, av Patrik Lundberg

Idag vill jag skriva om en bok som heter Facit: Konsten att skriva krönikor, av Patrik Lundberg. I min svenska komvux har jag lärt mig denna textgenre och några andra, som till exempel debattartiklar, referat, o.s.v., och jag skulle vilja veta mer om krönikor. Det var därför jag sökte efter detta ämne på biblioteket och lånade den här boken. […]

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2023, Foreign Languages Alice . 2023, Foreign Languages Alice .

Presentation for SVA ‘delkurs 4’

Muntlig presentation is one of the four assignments required to be completed to pass the svenska som andraspråk grundläggande delkurs 4. This means students are to prepare a presentation on any topic (the topic must be checked with and approved by the teacher) and then presented in class on an agreed date.

I did mine about 2.5 weeks ago. […]

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2022, Foreign Languages Alice . 2022, Foreign Languages Alice .

Read-aloud Friday: Vem ser Dim?

For today’s reading, I have chosen a children’s book that I spoke about last Sunday: VEM SER DIM? by Maria Nilsson Thore. Dim is a tiny little bug that lives in the forest. He is so tiny that no one sees him. And this is his tiny little story.

For this read-aloud I have done something different. I used a Warcraft special effect (can you guess which one?). Happy listening!

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2022, Foreign Languages Alice . 2022, Foreign Languages Alice .

Tove Jansson

More than two weeks ago, I presented Tove Jansson to my classmates and teacher. This was one of the assignments one must complete in the Swedish komvux: a 10-minute presentation about a Swedish author. While this is usually the last assignment one attempts in class, I decided to plunge right into the deep end because no. 1) I love reading, and no. 2) I love playing with PowerPoint. […]

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