Do It Now
I stole the above quote from The Almanack of Naval Ravikant by Eric Jorgenson.
Travel—don’t wait. Move (country)—don’t wait. Change (work)—don’t wait. On hindsight, I’m super glad I did all of that before COVID came and made itself a more of less permanent part of our lives. Now I get to […]
Desirable Difficulty
Short-term pain for long-term gain. Reading is hard work. Practicing is hard work. Working out can be quite a struggle, but yes, the reward comes after the struggle. I look better and feel better. Because of that, I read even more voraciously and have more stamina to practice (my Swedish).
I’ve always loved reading (still do), and […]
The above quote from The Almanack of Naval Ravikant by Eric Jorgenson is super important. It’s super important because this is how we differentiate. We get paid (very well) for our unique knowledge and demonstrated judgment.
We may be salaried workers or business owners—to me, it doesn’t matter […]
The Best in the World
To be the best in the world means that someone with options and information will choose you. Because your version of “best” matches what they seek, and because you’re in their consideration set (their world). —Seth Godin
So, what this means is that it does NOT mean I’m the best by every measure. It also does not mean […]
Identifying Marks
Harry Potter books. Star Wars movies. Indiana Jones. They have all one thing in common: the peculiarity is specific and consistent. Quoting Godin again:
It’s not duplicative or repetitive. But it rhymes. Just about every frame shows the fingerprints (and idiosyncrasy) of its creators.
I’ve been marinating on this today to identify my own […]
For the first two weeks in January, I will be focusing on just one thing:
Completing the 2-month executive program with Berkeley-Haas on Digital Transformation: Leading People, Data & Technology. I’m now preparing for my capstone project and am scheduled to finish by 12 January. This DT program, which I have enrolled myself in for personal learning, has been quite a journey. […]
12 Commandments of Happiness
Happy New Year!
More than a decade ago, I was inspired by Gretchen Rubin’s “12 Commandments of Happiness,” and I did one for myself at that time. To kickstart 2022 for me—and as a personal tradition or ritual—I’m reposting here my personal “12 Commandments of Happiness” …
Be Alice
Enjoy the process […]