Do It Now

I stole the above quote from The Almanack of Naval Ravikant by Eric Jorgenson.

Travel—don’t wait. Move (country)—don’t wait. Change (work)—don’t wait. On hindsight, I’m super glad I did all of that before COVID came and made itself a more of less permanent part of our lives. Now I get to settle down (in Sweden) and enjoy the fruit of my more-than-two-decade labor.

Even without COVID in the picture, it is still important to seize the day, take action. Ravikant says:

You should always be internally ready for a complete change. Whenever we say we’re going to try to do something or try to form a habit, we’re wimping out.

We’re just saying to ourselves, “I’m going to buy myself some more time.”




Quotes — “impatience with actions, patience with results”