Identifying Marks

Harry Potter books. Star Wars movies. Indiana Jones. They have all one thing in common: the peculiarity is specific and consistent. Quoting Godin again:

It’s not duplicative or repetitive. But it rhymes. Just about every frame shows the fingerprints (and idiosyncrasy) of its creators.

I’ve been marinating on this today to identify my own marks in my own life and work. I’ve not done anything epic such as Star Wars or Harry Potter. Still, I wonder if my work at the office, for example, bears the peculiar version of me, my art? Have I earned a reputation for what I do and how I do it? Am I the best person for the job?

I’ve now declared early retirement for myself. Still, I have the full intention of continuing to do work that brings me satisfaction and aligns with my personal values. With everything that I do, I do it by “being the best in the world.” More about this tomorrow.


The Best in the World

