2022, Random Stuff Alice . 2022, Random Stuff Alice .


This, my friends, is why rituals are important: Eric Barker of Barking Up the Wrong Tree explains.

I have my own sets of rituals for various occassions. Morning routine if working from home. Morning routine if working in the office. Rubber stamping dates on […]

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2022, Foreign Languages Alice . 2022, Foreign Languages Alice .

Read-aloud Friday: Känner du Pippi Långstrump?

For today’s reading, I have chosen a very well-loved story about a super strong girl called Pippi Långstrump (English: Pippi Longstocking). The red-haired, freckled girl is a special character created by Astrid Lingren and named by Lingren’s daughter, Karin. Pippi is playful, unpredictable, and unconventional.

I bought the book in Stockholm during a business trip in Sweden in 2015. Happy listening!

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2022, Foreign Languages Alice . 2022, Foreign Languages Alice .

Read-aloud Friday: De små detektiverna

For today’s reading, I have chosen a barnbok (children’s book) from McDonald’s Happy Meal Readers (HMR). I only have this one for the Swedish market but I understand that the McDonalds Tiny Detectives HMR (total: 12 books) were also available at McDonalds Singapore and Malaysia. I don’t know what possessed me to order a Happy Meal but I suspect the word “book” has something to do with it—that’s how I ended up with this little gem.

This book is the Swedish edition of Cressida Cowell’s De små detektiverna: Finns det liv på havets djupaste botten? (In English: The Tiny Detectives: Is there Life at the Bottom of the Deepest Ocean?) Happy listening!

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2022, Personal Projects Alice . 2022, Personal Projects Alice .

Starting a new journal

Sambal my red typewriter has been acting wonky ever since the move to Sweden. It’s jumping one keystroke every four characters. This is why you’re seeing “START WEIGHT” spelled strangely above. At first I was quite annoyed and saddened by it, but after a while I decided to just embrace its wonkiness.

This is also the period of the 2022 Parliamentary election in Sweden. […]

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