Insider Guides to Working in Norway by Karin Ellis (Ellis Culture)

I recently had the privilege of getting to know Karin Ellis of Ellis Culture. It was through Speak Norsk that I found Ellis Culture and from there I attended the free online seminar hosted by Karin on Applying for jobs in Norway.

My books have arrived from Norway. What a surprisingly speedy arrival into Singapore!

My books have arrived from Norway. What a surprisingly speedy arrival into Singapore!

You might be wondering why I’m doing this. Am I job hunting in Norway? Well, it’s actually for my Norwegian language learning project and I was thinking of a more engaging way to progress in my self-study. This brings me to exploring an interesting topic (such as job hunting!) and reading the associated materials in the target language (Karin’s insider guides!). Who knows I might actually work in Norway some day… and all these fun research will become useful.

I’m glad I stumbled upon Ellis Culture through Speak Norsk. I have been following Speak Norsk on Facebook for a while (I’m not active on Facebook but am using it extensively for my learning projects) and decided to sign up for their Norwegian course: Viking Offer For Beginners (A0 to B2). That was about three weeks ago and I’m loving it! The language course with lifetime access is a huge investment on my part but it’s absolutely worth it.

More about Karin’s books here. I bought the Norwegian editions. Do check out Ellis Culture on Facebook if you are curious about applying for jobs in Norway and the working culture with Norwegians.


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