The Little Book Box by NLB

I stumbled upon NLB’s The Little Book Box program and decided to check it out.

The Little Book Box is a book subscription service by the NLB targeted at young readers aged four to nine, offering a broad range of genres. It’s a carefully curated selection by the librarians suitable for children’s interests aimed at nurturing their love for reading. Read more about it here.

Although targeted at children, I’m very interested in the program and opted to subscribe to support this NLB initiative. Subscribers will receive a monthly selection of eight English children’s books, which include a variety of fiction and non-fiction books. The monthly subscription fee is S$10.70 (including GST). A minimum subscription period of three months is required so I paid an upfront amount of S$32.10.

It’s easy to participate (condition: must already be a NLB library member). Just complete the form, wait for NLB to contact you, and pay the subscription fee.

These books will be delivered every month. I look forward to receiving my first book box!

Updated on April 27: NLB confirmed my first bundle of books will arrive within May. Can’t wait!


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