2022, Foreign Languages Alice . 2022, Foreign Languages Alice .

Read-aloud Friday: Vem ser Dim?

For today’s reading, I have chosen a children’s book that I spoke about last Sunday: VEM SER DIM? by Maria Nilsson Thore. Dim is a tiny little bug that lives in the forest. He is so tiny that no one sees him. And this is his tiny little story.

For this read-aloud I have done something different. I used a Warcraft special effect (can you guess which one?). Happy listening!

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2022, Foreign Languages Alice . 2022, Foreign Languages Alice .

Read-aloud Friday: Känner du Pippi Långstrump?

For today’s reading, I have chosen a very well-loved story about a super strong girl called Pippi Långstrump (English: Pippi Longstocking). The red-haired, freckled girl is a special character created by Astrid Lingren and named by Lingren’s daughter, Karin. Pippi is playful, unpredictable, and unconventional.

I bought the book in Stockholm during a business trip in Sweden in 2015. Happy listening!

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2022, Foreign Languages Alice . 2022, Foreign Languages Alice .

Read-aloud Friday: De små detektiverna

For today’s reading, I have chosen a barnbok (children’s book) from McDonald’s Happy Meal Readers (HMR). I only have this one for the Swedish market but I understand that the McDonalds Tiny Detectives HMR (total: 12 books) were also available at McDonalds Singapore and Malaysia. I don’t know what possessed me to order a Happy Meal but I suspect the word “book” has something to do with it—that’s how I ended up with this little gem.

This book is the Swedish edition of Cressida Cowell’s De små detektiverna: Finns det liv på havets djupaste botten? (In English: The Tiny Detectives: Is there Life at the Bottom of the Deepest Ocean?) Happy listening!

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