Books, 2017 Alice . Books, 2017 Alice .

Pablo Neruda #15 to #20

I'm sorry I didn't quite make it to the finishing line and managed only to post up to #14 before I ended up in Beijing, China on February 7 for a business trip. As we all know, almost everything is blocked in China and that means I couldn't finish what I started. I'm sorry... BUT, [...]

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Books, 2017 Alice . Books, 2017 Alice .

Pablo Neruda #14

Here's the 14th counting down to the celebration of ♥...
XVIII./Oh the black cross of a ship./Alone./Sometimes I get up early and even my soul is wet./Far away the sea sounds and resounds./This is a port./Here I love you.
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Books, 2017 Alice . Books, 2017 Alice .

Pablo Neruda #12 and #13

I missed posting for yesterday, so here's the 12th and 13th counting down to the celebration of ♥...

I who lived in a harbour from which I loved you.
The solitude crossed with dream and with silence.
Penned up between the sea and sadness.
Soundless, delirious, between two motionless gondoliers.
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Books, 2017 Alice . Books, 2017 Alice .

Pablo Neruda #11

Here's the 11th counting down to the celebration of ♥...
XII./You gather things to you like an old road./You are peopled with echoes and nostalgic voices./I awoke and at times birds fled and migrated/ that had been sleeping in your soul.
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Books, 2017 Alice . Books, 2017 Alice .

Pablo Neruda #10

Here's the 10th counting down to the celebration of ♥...
I./I was alone like a tunnel. /The birds fled from me,/ and night swamped me with its crushing invasion./ To survive myself I forged you like a weapon,/ like an arrow in my bow, a stone in my sling.
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Books, 2017 Alice . Books, 2017 Alice .

Pablo Neruda #9

Here's the 9th counting down to the celebration of ♥...
XVI. /In my sky at twilight you are like a cloud/and your form and colour are the way I love them./You are mine, mine, woman with sweet lips/and in your life my infinite dreams live.
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Books, 2017 Alice . Books, 2017 Alice .

Pablo Neruda #8

Here's the 8th counting down to the celebration of ♥...
XV./As all things are filled with my soul/you emerge from the things, filled with my soul./You are like my soul, a butterfly of dream,/and you are like the word Melancholy.
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