When the sun is shining
When I read Seth Godin’s blog post four days ago and saw the above illustration today, I thought back to the post I made last Sunday. I know I’ve taken the right decision. […]
En promenad i solen (igen)
Winter is almost over! Spring is just around the corner. Although it’s still cold at about 3°C, the sun is shining gloriously. It’ll be a sin not to take a walk so I did.
I visited an old friend, Jätten Vist (pic above). He’s still standing strong watching over the southern part of Lake Vättern, specifically the island of Visingsö. Mister Jätten Vist is, in fact—my dear friends—a romantic […]
En promenad i solen
Mister Bear and I took a stroll together in the sun—en promenad i solen—in Smedbyn and its surrounding park, Smedbyparken. Mister Pops the cat, stayed home.
The air was cool and crisp. The ground was wet and some parts muddy. […]
Sketches of Jätten Vist
Last week I started a sketchbook mini-project dedicated to the wonderful town of Huskvarna in Sweden. It will feature places I went for walks with Mr. Bear and other musings. So far I’ve done a few sketches and many more will come. […]