En promenad i solen (igen)
Who is Jätten Vist? This is his story (in Swedish). He is created by Calle Örnemark.
Winter is almost over! Spring is just around the corner. Although it’s still cold at about 3°C, the sun is shining gloriously. It’ll be a sin not to take a walk so I did.
I visited an old friend, Jätten Vist (pic above). He’s still standing strong watching over the southern part of Lake Vättern, specifically the island of Visingsö. Mister Jätten Vist is, in fact—my dear friends—a romantic giantgentleman. To make a short story even shorter, legend has it that he was responsible for creating the beautiful Visingsö so that his wife can safely cross Vättern, the second largest lake in Sweden.
I did a sketch of him in autumn of 2019.
The mini gallery below ‘showcases’ a few of the (as-is) snapshots I took with my iPhone 8. Enjoy!