My Foreign Language Study Map

If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart.
— Nelson Mandela

Now that I’m on a three-day workweek (lucky me!), I have more time to think about my approach to learning foreign languages, its implementation and execution. I came up with the table below to map out the days, languages and methods.

Study Schedule.PNG

My priority is Swedish. Although I'll be learning the language daily, it’ll be more relaxed (i.e. fewer actions) on workdays Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, but with more intensity and effort from Thursdays to Sundays. Italian is on a maintenance mode so it’ll be visited with less intensity on workdays but more vigorously from Thursdays onward. I'm adopting an overall more relaxed approach towards Norwegian, Danish, and Spanish. I might throw in French one of these days...

For general reading, I use books and magazines on specific topics (for example, novels, business, health, etc.) in the target language. For drills, I use grammar workbooks; for scribing, I use the same materials for my general reading.


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