My (Revised) Duolingo Strategy

I have been thinking about how I go about my language learning using Duolingo. Now that I’ve sustained my Top 3 position in the Diamond League for a few weeks, I’m rethinking my learning strategy.

In the previous post I accumulated a total of 90,148 XP (short for “Experience Points”) and as at today, I’ve got 170,257 XP. My top five most active languages in the order of the highest to the lowest XP are Norwegian (113.5K; previous 41.9K XP), Swedish (21.6K; previous 19.1K XP), Danish (16.1K; previous 12.2K XP), Spanish, and Italian. It’s interesting to see that I’m making more progress with Norwegian than I do with Swedish…

There are 10 leagues in Duolingo and they are Bronze, Silver, Gold, Sapphire, Ruby, Emerald, Amethyst, Pearl, Obsidian, and the highest is Diamond. I intend to stay in the Top 3 Diamond league for as long as I can manage.

I really want to focus more on Swedish and for this, I am going to be doing the following:


Strategy #1: I’ll be doing more quizzes.

This is the latest Swedish quiz result. My previous score was 94% and it’s nice to see an improvement!

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Strategy #2: I’ll be completing each module from Level 3 to Level 4.

This is showing that I’m midway through the “V: Pres. 3” module which is all about verbs in the present tense. As at today, I’ve already reached Level 4 for both “V: Pres. 3” and “Education.”

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Goal: Reach Conqueror in the Achievements section.

Completing all modules to reach Level 4 will make me a “Conqueror” (see Strategy #2)

I use Duolingo in conjunction with my books and podcasts in the target languages. The app helps me with vocabulary drills and remembering grammar patterns. I also use it to compare Swedish, Norwegian and Danish.

I recommend the app.

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