Pablo Neruda #4

Pablo Neruda 20 Love Poems.jpg

Every day for the next 20 days leading to Valentine's Day, I’ll be sharing bits of Pablo Neruda's Twenty Love Poems (Veinte Poemas de Amor).

Here's the 4th counting down to the celebration of ♥...


Leaning into the afternoons I fling my sad nets
to the sea that beats on your marine eyes.

The birds of night peck at the first stars
that flash like my soul when I love you.

Inclinado en las tardes echo mis tristes redes
e ese mar que sacude tus ojos oceánicos.

Los pájaros nocturnos picotean las primeras estrellas
que centellean como mi alma cuando te amo.


Pablo Neruda #5


Pablo Neruda #3