Alice Teh Larsson

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Library Stash (week 11 2023)

The Huskvarna Library

Library books of the week!

It’s time again for a new batch of library books! During the week I have placed some books reservation with the public library—10 in total—and collected them all on Thursday after work. It was after library hours but because I have the meröppet library card, I can visit any time between 7 AM to 7 PM daily. Very convenient!

Some of the books are repeat borrowings, such as:

  • Från tanke till text, by Arne Jarrick and Olle Josephson

  • Skriv för din målgrupp: tips för träffsäkra texter, by Jenny Forsberg

Some are anticipated reads, such as:

  • Författare till yrket, by Haruki Murakami (translated by Eiko and Yukiko Duke)

  • Ett nytt land utanför mitt fönster, by Theodor Kallifatides

    I am really excited about reading Theodor Kallifatides’ book mentioned above. He is a Greek-Swedish writer known for his novels, poetry, travelogues, and essays. His work often explores identity issues and the immigrant experience, and he has advocated for human rights and social justice. The author has received numerous awards for his contributions to literature and activism, including the Swedish Academy's Dobloug Prize and the Greek State Prize for Literature. The book is also one of the choices listed in the novel analysis assignment of my recently completed grundläggande svenska som andraspråk course. So… can’t wait!

And some are experimental, such as:

  • Juristens skrivhandbok, by Helena Englund Hjalmarsson and Anki Mattson

  • Skrivhandledning för examensarbeten och rapporter, by Sven Hartman

  • Facit: konsten att skriva krönikor, by Patrik Lundberg (my book review)

I have not listed all the books I borrowed in this batch but they’re all related to writing in some ways.

I am now preparing to begin my next level of Swedish language journey (i.e., SAS—I found this website which gives information in English), so I’m exploring books related to writing for academic level. I’m only just beginning my gymnasiet level Swedish (equivalent to upper high school level) IF my application to the kommun to study is successful, but no harm in always looking and being one step ahead!

What a fun, bookish weekend this will be (as are all my weekends)!

About the meröppet library card (excerpted from the library website):

Meröppet på Huskvarna bibliotek 7-19 alla dagar.

Låntagare över 18 år kan skaffa meröppetbehörighet till Huskvarna bibliotek.

Meröppet innebär att du som biblioteksbesökare har tillgång till vårt bibliotek mellan 07.00- 19.00 alla dagar i veckan men sköter dig självständigt under den tid biblioteket inte är bemannat av vår personal. Behörigheten skaffas på plats på Huskvarna bibliotek.