Language Apps

I enjoy listening to Olly Richards' podcast, I Will Teach You A Language (IWTYAL). One of the episodes that is of special interest to me is episode 191, IWTYAL 191: Do you use apps for language learning?

I'm a big fan of language apps. My partner, Mr Bear, will be able to confirm that because he's seen me regularly revising or reinforcing my Swedish lessons using Duolingo. I love Duolingo, by the way.

The main point Olly highlighted in the podcast episode is...

The criteria for judging an app should be: “Does it help me do more efficiently something I was already doing?

This is a great point because the role of technology in language learning should be to help us consume learning material more efficiently. That means nothing will replace a good old book, pen or pencil, and I totally agree. I love learning the traditional way and exploring new ways to complement the deep focus learning.

For me, I use a few apps regularly: Duolingo and SwedishPod101 (Innovative).




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