
I joined Duolingo in January 2014. That was six years ago!

I started with learning Italian and then I added a few other foreign languages. Today, I have 10 on my list with a total accumulated XP (short for “Experience Points”) of 67,607. My top five most active languages in the order of the highest to the lowest XP are Norwegian (27.5K XP), Swedish (18.3K XP), Danish, Italian, and Spanish.

I wasn’t very active in the beginning when I joined but some time around last year, my interest for using Duolingo was rekindled and I’ve been making sure I pass the “leagues.”

There are 10 leagues in Duolingo: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Sapphire, Ruby, Emerald, Amethyst, Pearl, Obsidian, and Diamond. I’ve just passed Amethyst and am now at Pearl, as depicted by the iPhone screenshots below.

Personally, Duolingo is a great app to ensure I get daily exposure and practice in addition to the serious study I do with my books. It’s a wonderful way to gamify language learning. It’s also a great tool to experiment with the languages I’m interested in (I started dabbling with Dutch), and perfect for comparing two similar languages such as Swedish/Norwegian and Italian/Spanish.

I recommend the app.

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