How to Speak Any Language Fluently
“A nyelv az egyetlen, amit rosszul is érdemes tudni.
(Language is the only thing worth knowing even poorly.)”
How to Speak Any Language Fluently by Alex Rawlings arrived in the mail today. I’m super excited and I'm placing this bright yellow book alongside my other language books.
I first found out about Alex from Olly Richards' podcast series, I Will Teach You A Language. Listen to the interview at IWTYAL 216: Alex Rawlings on How To Speak Any Language Fluently.
I will start reading the book soon, but for now I’d like to share an excerpt from the Introduction.
Languages are one of those unique things in life that are always worth learning.Whether you know a lot of just a little, whether you speak them every day or once a year, and whether you speak many or just one, you are better off for knowing what you do than if you didn't know it at all. Even just a few words in a foreign language are better than knowing nothing at all. p.1