Personal Projects, 2021 Alice . Personal Projects, 2021 Alice .

Keep Creating

I burst into tears when I reached the part in the talk where Elizabeth Gilbert uttered those words in the above quote. I was re-watching some talks on TED and one of them is Gilbert’s Success, failure and the drive to keep creating. I love her book Big Magic (my book notes).

For Gilbert, her home has always been writing. She says:

Your home is whatever in this world you love more than you love yourself. So that might be creativity, it might be family, it might be invention, adventure, faith, service, it might be raising corgis, […]

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Personal Projects, 2020 Alice . Personal Projects, 2020 Alice .

Jurong Bird Park Singapore

The last time I visited the Jurong Bird Park was about 10 years ago. Last week, I visited it again and this time with my friend and former colleague, Eunis. We spent the whole day exploring the bird park starting at about 10 AM through to around 5 PM. I was knackered by the time I was home but utterly satisfied.

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Personal Projects, 2020 Alice . Personal Projects, 2020 Alice .

3-day Work Week

Today, on this Friday, I ended the chapter on my conventional work-life. My initial plan was to enter into early retirement to play full-time—to focus on my personal projects and interests. My employer, though, has a better idea and because of that, I will be entering into an interesting phase of redesigned work where I get to do both: play and work.

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Personal Projects, 2020 Alice . Personal Projects, 2020 Alice .

Important Questions

–Tim Ferriss always seems to ask the best questions: What would this look like if it were easy? How will you know if you don’t experiment? What would less be like? The one that hit me the hardest, when I was maybe 25, was “What do you do with your money?” The answer was “Nothing, really.” OK, so why try so hard to earn lots more of it?

The passage above I stole from Ryan Holiday in his blog post "33 Things I Stole From People Smarter Than Me on the Way to 33."

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