Sambal the Red Typewriter
Sambal the Red Typewriter has been with me for almost two weeks now. 10 days to be exact. I started a series of Quotes I’m Pondering working very closely with Sambal.
I've always wanted a classic, manual typewriter for the longest time. I spotted one about a year ago in my previous neighborhood in Katong. It was a cyan-turquoise one (I love that color!). Unfortunately, I didn't have any success in procuring it because the Uncle in the second-hand record shop didn't want to sell it. He said he would think about it but after a year of waiting for his decision, I decided to get it elsewhere. My desire for a typewriter was still very strong so I took the plunge and bought one.
They're not perfect; a little wonky even, but that's how I like them to be. They're perfect in their imperfect ways.
This 6-kg baby is a Royal Classic portable manual typewriter with sturdy retro metal housing and a full size keyboard (44 keys, 88 symbols, and Pica 87 font). It came pre-installed with black/red ribbon and paper support bar.