Self-love in the Time of Coronavirus

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It looks like the coronavirus is not going anywhere anytime soon, so I've braced myself for impact and for more self-love. In addition to the personal mini library I've built in Singapore (yay, books!), I also thought of other ways to amuse myself.

Doing something different for a change (I mean other than reading) seems like a good way to ride out the current situation we are all stuck in. Indulging in some good sci-fi screen-time on Netflix sounds like a good option to me.

Here's what I've got on my list:

  1. Altered Carbon (Completed: 9 April 2020)

  2. Star Trek

  3. Star Trek: The Next Generation

  4. Star Trek: Deep Space Nine

  5. Star Trek: Voyager

  6. Star Trek: Enterprise

Stay safe and healthy, my friends! Take good care of yourself and your loved ones.


Sambal the Red Typewriter


My Annual Reread List