Foreign Languages, 2021 Alice . Foreign Languages, 2021 Alice .

Svenska för invandrare (sfi) - kurs C

Fantastic news! I’ve been bumped up the level to Course C (skipping B)!

I’m currently enrolled in the Introduction class and had formally started my Swedish for Immigrant (SFI) program on Monday, 25 October. Starting Monday, 6 December, I will join the existing Course C group, which is at a higher level of proficiency.

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Foreign Languages, 2021 Alice . Foreign Languages, 2021 Alice .

Så mycket bättre

I have started watching TV after moving to Sweden, and there’s a reason for that. I have not touched the TV for almost my entire adult life but made an exception this time for the sake of my Swedish language learning. I have identified three TV programs for this purpose: Nyhetsmorgon, Bonde söker fru, and Så mycket bättre.

One particular episode in Så mycket bättre that stood out to me is the latest one with Gustaf Norén role-playing as a music teacher. […]

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Foreign Languages, 2021 Alice . Foreign Languages, 2021 Alice .

Svenska för invandrare (sfi)

In my previous post I mentioned about submitting an application to join the Swedish for Immigrants (SFI) program. It’s a municipal-sponsored program offered free-of-charge to residents of Sweden. In my case, it’s covered under the Jönköpings kommun.

I attended the first class on Monday, 25 October. […]

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Foreign Languages, 2021 Alice . Foreign Languages, 2021 Alice .

9th Duoversary

Did you know? Duolingo was launched to the public on June 19th, 2012.

I joined Duolingo in January 2014. Through the years I saw the many wonderful changes the little green owl had gone through, and it’s only getting better and better!

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