Read-aloud Friday: Vem ser Dim?
For today’s reading, I have chosen a children’s book that I spoke about last Sunday: VEM SER DIM? by Maria Nilsson Thore. Dim is a tiny little bug that lives in the forest. He is so tiny that no one sees him. And this is his tiny little story.
For this read-aloud I have done something different. I used a Warcraft special effect (can you guess which one?). Happy listening!
SAMLADE SAGOR by Maria Nilsson Thore
…(illustrated by the author) is a great book. This 288-page gem is filled with beautiful, fun, and whimsical illustrations; utterly enjoyable! I loved it. It’s so good.
I was browsing at Akademibokhandeln (Akademi for short) sometime late last year and almost bought it. It has been on my wishlist ever since. I finally borrowed it from the local library (about a month ago) and finished reading it in one sitting today.
Flashback: At Akademi, I had read one of the stories—En egen flock—and […]