My Swedish Homework
The Assignment: Write your friend an email in Swedish and tell her or him what you do on a typical day (50 - 80 words).
Hej Per!
Hur mår du? Hur är det med familjen? Jag mår bra.
Jag vill berätta för dig om vad jag gör på dagen. Jag äter frukost klockan åtta och läser bloggar på internet. Sedan åker jag till jobbet.
Klockan tolv äter jag lunch på cafeet. Jag äter ris med grönsaker och dricker kaffe. På kvällen gör jag mangå saker hemma. Jag studerar svenska också.
Hoppas vi ses snart! Ha det bra!
Kram, Alice
(74 ord)
And here's my text in English...
Hi Per!
How are you? How is the family? I am well.
I want to tell you what I do for the day. I have breakfast at eight and read blogs on the Internet. Then I go to work.
At twelve o'clock I eat lunch at the café. I have rice with vegetables and drink coffee. In the evening, I do lots of things at home. I also study Swedish.
I hope to see you soon! Goodbye!
Hug, Alice
The Book:
The above assignment is from page 12 of the book, Swedish Tutor. My goal is to attempt all the writing exercises and post them here. This is my första (first) homework from the första chapter of the book for niva (level) A1/A2. Until the next läxa (homework), hej då (bye)!