Saturday Blog Catch Up
It’s Saturday, I’m catching up on my blog feed and came across a few interesting discoveries. As usual, I started with Austin Kleon, my favorite of favorites.
A sneak peek of my blog feed (yes… I favorited my own blog—don’t judge!)
Fortfarande på (Still on) Austin Kleon, there is another post that got me thinking, how would my own space look like just before I die?...
And finally this post—I am stealing the picture directly from Mister Kleon:
Source: Austin Kleon
Now that I have finished reading Austin’s awesomeness from the first week of February until the latest post in March, I will now tackle Seth Godin. As you can see right at the very top, Seth Godin has 32 posts waiting for me to read them, and for Seth Godin who blogs daily, that means one whole month’s worth of goodies await. Coffee refill time!