I’m Live on Monroe's Motivated Sequence AITD Webinar

I spent day one of Chinese New Year morning attending an insightful one-hour webinar by Roger Courville on Using "Monroe's Motivated Sequence" to Supercharge Your Training organized by the Australian Institute of Training and Development (AITD).

Today's webinar is special to me because I’m collaborating with Roger; co-presenting LIVE during the webinar! I’m excited to be a live case study. Elated! I hope I made sense to the participants when I presented. Many thanks to Roger Courville, Elizabeth Robinson CEO of AITD and Shobit Khanna of Citrix!

What is Monroe’s Motivated Sequence?

Roger's webinars are great and I've attended many. He is such an interesting and energetic speaker, and he brings a fresh perspective to the world of online or virtual presentation and training.

The Monroe’s Motivated Sequence is easy and transferable. Roger and I had an online meeting 1.5 days before today’s session where he provided details of our potential collaboration. It was his 6 AM and my 10 PM. I think I nailed it. I completed the draft within 1.5 hours and emailed it back to him on the same night of our meeting. It was indeed a pleasure speaking to Roger, and yes, we did talk about my love for Italy and his many geeky talents!


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