Alice Teh Larsson

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Meeting the Specs

Thank you, Seth Godin, for the food for thought today.


Today, I stumbled upon Seth Godin’s thought-provoking perspective on productivity and perfectionism (full post here). He challenges the traditional quest for perfection by suggesting we ask ourselves a different question: “Does it meet the spec?” instead of “Is it perfect?”

This idea resonated with me deeply. It nudges all of us towards efficiency and pragmatism. By setting clear, achievable specifications, we create a tangible and attainable target. It’s not about lowering standards but being smart with our goals. When the spec is met, that’s our cue to move on. Anything more is often just unnecessary polish, a kind of indulgence that, I’ve realized, can actually hinder my progress and creativity.

And what about when the spec isn't quite right? Godin's advice is simple yet empowering: change it. This has encouraged me to be flexible, adapt, and evolve my goals as I grow and learn. It feels like a more fluid, dynamic approach that acknowledges that my needs today might change tomorrow.

Through this mindset shift from perfection to purpose, I’ve found that by focusing on the spec, we make room for progress, innovation, and, ironically, a more perfect way of working. Good enough isn’t about mediocrity; it’s about meeting the mark. This lets me move confidently onto the next challenge. And what’s not to love about that?…