Pablo Neruda #7

Pablo Neruda 20 Love Poems.jpg

Every day for the next 20 days leading to Valentine's Day, I’ll be sharing bits of Pablo Neruda's Twenty Love Poems (Veinte Poemas de Amor).

Here's the 7th counting down to the celebration of ♥...


Stories to tell you on the shore of evening,
sad and gentle doll, so that you should not be sad.
A swan, a tree, something far away and happy.
The season of grapes, ripe and fruitful season.

Historias que contarte a la orilla del crepúsculo,
muñeca triste y dulce, para que no estuvieras triste.
Un cisne, un árbol, algo lejano y alegre.
El tiempo de las uvas, el tiempo maduro y frutal.


Pablo Neruda #8


Pablo Neruda #6