The Foundation

Thank you, James Clear, for the wise words!

The quote resonates with my thoughts, specifically on how one might harmonize with generative AI, which we all know is a hot topic now. It’s a reminder not to overlook the simple, foundational aspects in pursuit of advanced achievements. It’s also a reminder that—if we, for example, zoom in into generating prompts when using generative AI—our ability to inject clarity in the questions, design those prompts with a clear goal and purpose, embrace experimentation, and iterate to refine the outcomes will make our engagement with generative AI a more fulfilling experience.

All these will not be possible if our foundation is not solid; if we don’t possess a proper understanding of the subject in question. Suppose we don’t have the basics, generative AI will be a crutch instead of our secret weapon.

I have my own question: Will our foundation provide the leverage to encourage generative AI to connect and integrate ideas from various domains, enhancing creativity and innovation?

My answer: Not if we don’t already possess the knowledge, curiosity, and strategic mindset in our engagement with generative AI.

I say we all now have access to the same tool. Do we have what it takes for the tool to help us “shine brighter”?


What I Do On Weekends


Back to School! (SVA1)