The Little Book of FIKA
From the back cover of the book: When it comes to simple pleasures, a cup of coffee and a sweet treat can't be beat. The Swedes embrace this pleasure with their daily ritual of fika, or coffee break, where the notion of slowing down and taking a moment to relax and sip a cup of coffee is essential to their culture, their daily rhythm—and quite likely their happiness. Learn more about this tradition and how to achieve the skill of simplicity, Swedish-style, with tips and recipes in The Little Book of Fika.
The Little Book of Fika is a relaxing book to read and oh-so-lagom. I borrowed the e-book version from the library and it’s a perfect little book to read while having breakfast. With a nice cup of coffee. One can literally finish this book in 10 minutes—I did!
“Fika” is easily my favorite four-letter word but then I have many others that I love too such as book, beer, cake, wine, cats. I especially love the quotes in this book on coffee and simplicity.
Mr Bear is Swedish so I can totally relate to this book. I love fika too! There are a few recipes in this book but because I don’t cook and probably never will, I was not focusing on those bits of goodies. I was more into the cinnamon buns, coffee awesomeness, and happiness.
I recommend it!
Isn’t this awesome?