Bedtime for Bonsai
“You meet them, they’re nice looking, but would you want to take a shower with them? You can think of all kinds of people who are nice-looking, but unless you want to take a shower with them you don’t feel the right way for a relationship.”
Bedtime for Bonsai is Elaine Fox’s latest novel. No, it has got nothing to do with the plant but everything to do with a cute dog (and romance). In this one, the highlight of the story is the socialite-looking, beautiful and good girl, Penelope Porter. Penelope plans to get back together with her no-good ex-husband and she also wants a baby. But it was for that very reason her ex-husband left her for another woman (he does not want any babies).
Penelope gets herself a cute puppy and names him Mr Darcy. The problem with Mr Darcy is that he keeps sneaking over to the shop across the street owned by the new-guy-in-town, Dylan Mersey. Dylan is a very good looking bad boy who apparently has a past criminal record. He settles himself in the small town to start anew. In the beginning when Mr Darcy keeps appearing in his shop, Dylan does not knowing whose puppy that is, so he gives the pup a name he thinks fit: Bonsai.
Penelope, prejudiced by what she heard about Dylan, calls in the police one night when she suspects Dylan is up to no good outside her shop. Dylan has his own problem to deal with when his old criminal friend calls him up to repay an ‘old favor.’ Slowly, though, Cupid goes to work and the barriers are taken down. How? What happened? All I can say is what is unsuitable becomes unstoppable for Dylan and Penelope.
If you have read the earlier books in this dog series, namely Guys & Dogs; Hello, Doggy, and Beware of Doug, these other women in story—Megan, Lily and Georgia—will be no stranger to you. Penelope and them are good friends, they love dogs, and meet regularly at the dog park. They all have their own story to tell. I have enjoyed them all, including this one, Bedtime for Bonsai. I’m glad I picked up a used copy of Guys & Dogs while I was in Singapore for that became my first Elaine Fox book and I’ve been reading the series ever since.