2023, Quotes Alice . 2023, Quotes Alice .

The courage to be simple

It’s Wednesday and that means it’s day for the lightness of being. Look what’s on Issue 48! I’m honored and happy to see my typewritten quote card from April 2020 being featured as the cover—thank you, Isaiah Lim! […]

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2023, Books Alice . 2023, Books Alice .

Studentlitteratur (The verdict? Wonderful!)

A new batch of books arrived last week on Friday. This time, I tried something different. Instead of buying from my default online bookseller, namely Bokus.com (when I buy Swedish books), I decided to get this batch of books directly from the publisher instead. The said publisher is Studentlitteratur.

Studentlitteratur is a Swedish publishing house that specializes in […]

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2023, Books Alice . 2023, Books Alice .

FACIT - Konsten att skriva krönikor, av Patrik Lundberg

Idag vill jag skriva om en bok som heter Facit: Konsten att skriva krönikor, av Patrik Lundberg. I min svenska komvux har jag lärt mig denna textgenre och några andra, som till exempel debattartiklar, referat, o.s.v., och jag skulle vilja veta mer om krönikor. Det var därför jag sökte efter detta ämne på biblioteket och lånade den här boken. […]

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2023, Quotes Alice . 2023, Quotes Alice .

When things happen…

Everything happens for a reason (or things happen—no reason). As usual, my awesome friend and former colleague Isaiah Lim has made something happen. And this is the reason I become a notch smarter every week […]

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