Books, 2007 Alice . Books, 2007 Alice .

Life of Pi

LIFE OF PI by Yann Martel is a delightful piece of literary work. Once picked up, I can’t put it down; with every turn of the page, I became curious-er and curious-er. Martel has created an utterly imaginative and uplifting story, not to mention hilarious and totally amusing too.

Life of Pi is about a sixteen-year-old Indian boy, Pi Patel whose full name is Piscine Molitor Patel. He was named after a swimming pool in France. […]

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Books, 2007 Alice . Books, 2007 Alice .

How to Read a Book

HOW TO READ A BOOK by Mortimer J. Adler and Charles Van Doren provide insights into the problems of learning how to read and offers a comprehensive and better-ordered analysis of the complex art of reading. I also enjoyed the application of the basic rules to different types of reading and the discovery of new rules of reading. Written first by Adler, Van Doren later joined Adler as a co-author in updating, recasting and rewriting the book. It was first published in 1940, went on to be a bestseller, and was translated into other languages such as French, Swedish, German, Spanish and Italian.

There are four parts to the book. […]

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Books, 2007 Alice . Books, 2007 Alice .

Small Acts of Grace

SMALL ACTS OF GRACE by Alice Gray is a wonderful book. It is packed with heart-warming and encouraging stories that make a difference in the lives of those around us. In this easy-to-read book, there are stories on spreading hope, on encouraging others, on being a wonderful neighbor, on friendship, on mothers, on so many more. It’s a book that requires intention to act on our part.

In addition to the wonderful stories, there are also thought-provoking questions […]

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Books, 2007 Alice . Books, 2007 Alice .

Jeffrey Gitomer’s Little Gold Book of YES! Attitude

Here’s three letter to describe this book: F U N.

LITTLE GOLD BOOK OF YES! ATTITUDE by Jeffrey Gitomer is a highly readable book with information presented in a bite-size format. There are plenty of checklists to be had and each one hits the jackpot. Nice use of color, interesting graphics and cartoons, and yes, this is my favorite part: lots of quotes—by Gitomer and other people.

This is an action-packed book, meaning, you can’t just sit there and expect to gain positive attitude by reading a book. You have to take action. This book will make you think, and no prize for guessing, TAKE ACTION.

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Books, 2007 Alice . Books, 2007 Alice .

Before You Leap

BEFORE YOU LEAP has two parts. Part 1 is about Kermit’s life: a life of having over 2,353 family members; how he grew up from a little tadpole, then school, and then getting his legs. He talks about his search for significance and fame; how he got into showbiz and thereafter forming his own team of superstar performers. He also talks about his exciting relationship with the amorous Miss Piggy. Part 1 is rather hilarious.

Part 2 gets on to the more serious stuff for its readers—lessons for your life in 14 croak-licious chapters.

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