Small Acts of Grace

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Small Acts of Grace by Alice Gray is a wonderful book. It is packed with heart-warming and encouraging stories that make a difference in the lives of those around us. In this easy-to-read book, there are stories on spreading hope, on encouraging others, on being a wonderful neighbor, on friendship, on mothers, on so many more. It’s a book that requires intention to act on our part.

In addition to the wonderful stories, there are also thought-provoking questions which you can use for discussion or journaling. For creative practical ideas to spread hope, love and encouragement. Plus plenty of quotes, Bible verses, and prayers to fulfill the call.

A few chapters in particular stood out for me. Chapter 2 When Daisies Dance made me realize many needs are long-term and on-going, so our offers of love and encouragement need to also be long-term—not only at the beginning but we need to follow through. We must remember to do what we say we would do. Sometimes, we do not know who needs comforting and it’s good to know we’re not on our own in this effort because God will also give us the “nudge.” Be sensitive to the gentle tug from God, then obey and take action.

Chapter 3 Day Brighteners is my favorite. It is about spreading sunshine and brightening up a person’s day through spoken words, caring touch and offering a helping hand. We are not to be discouraged when our acts of kindness did not seem to make any difference. We should continue to show love and compassion. At the end of the chapter—as in every other chapter in the book—there is a wonderful story from other writers. For Chapter 3, something as simple as homemade cookies made a huge difference in the life of another person.

I’ve read the book. The question to ask myself now is: What can I do to make a DIFFERENCE today?


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