Personal Projects, 2010 Alice . Personal Projects, 2010 Alice .

A Third Invitation to Speak

I have received yet another invitation to speak in an upcoming Executive PA Forum organized by VMAC in March 2010!

This will be my third speaking gig and even so I’m still feeling a bit anxious. My first was the Marcus Evans Executive PA Conference in Kuala Lumpur and the second was the ABF 8th Executive Secretaries and PAs Conference in Singapore—both in 2009.

The VMAC Executive PA Forum will be held on 11 and 12 March. I will be speaking on the first day on the topic Executing Excellent Non Verbal and Verbal Communication Skills to Avoid Miscommunication.

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Personal Projects, 2008 Alice . Personal Projects, 2008 Alice .

An Invitation to Speak

A global conference organizer contacted me today inviting me to speak in their upcoming Executive PA Conference in March 2009. What an honor! And a pleasant surprise. Because they approached me personally, I've also cleared this with my boss and HR, so I'm good to go!

I'm excited and anxious at the same time. This will be my first time speaking […]

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