2023, Books Alice . 2023, Books Alice .

Roget’s Thesaurus

Isn’t this a thing of beauty?

Austin Kleon has written a post about the Roget’s Thesaurus that spurred me on to take immediate action to procure a copy for my personal library. I began my usual sourcing procedures, found it at Bokus.com (I was quite surprised to get it at a good deal in Sweden for SEK 386, roughly SGD49 or USD37), and now I have this 1.5 kg tome in my hands. It took less than a week to be delivered, which is not bad for Swedish standards considering the Roget’s Thesaurus is a non-Swedish book.

In Austin Kleon’s post, […]

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2022, Personal Projects Alice . 2022, Personal Projects Alice .

Day Job

When I relocated to Sweden from Singapore slightly more than a year ago, my intention was to enjoy an early retirement. I am, afterall, 45 (soon—in September). I had in mind to do all the things I had wanted to do but didn’t because I was working a job I loved. It’s a job that took me more than a decade to shape and develop into exactly what I had envisioned it to be before I released it back to the gods for Sweden.

What I had in mind to do are […]

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2020, Art Alice . 2020, Art Alice .

Blind Contour Drawing

I’m inspired by Austin Kleon’s “Blind contour drawings” and wanted to quote Nicolaïdes from Kleon’s blog post:

Learning to draw is really a matter of learning to see — to see correctly — and that means […]

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