Books, 2013 Alice . Books, 2013 Alice .

A Discovery of Witches

A DISCOVERY OF WITCHES by Deborah Harkness is a novel of magic, adventure and romance. Matthew Clairmont is an enigmatic vampire, a scientist, very intellectual, and although his initial interest is in an enchanted alchemical manuscript, now he can't seem to resist Diana Bishop, a young scholar and historian.

Diana is a powerful witch in denial of her own powers. And she is the one who could unlock the secrets of the ancient manuscript Matthew has his eyes on.

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Books, 2012 Alice . Books, 2012 Alice .

A Discovery of Witches

I’m on vacation and brought along with me A DISCOVERY OF WITCHES by Deborah Harkness. This post is about a series of passages in the novel that caught me by surprise and got me teary-eyed. They're from page 135 when Matthew is playing chess with his gay but brilliant-genius daemon friend Hamish. — Matthew let out his breath and sat back in his chair, staring at the chessboard. His queen stood encircled by his own pieces - pawns, a knight, and a rook. Across the board his king was checked by a lowly black pawn. The game was over, and he had lost. […]

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