Quiet Girl in a Noisy World

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Quiet Girl in a Noisy World is funny and so relatable. I borrowed the e-book version from the library and finished it in one sitting while having my breakfast (this sounds like what I’ve said before…). Quiet Girl is a book I want to keep in my personal collection, so I bought a copy.

This is my second Debbie Tung book; the first one was Book Love, which is equally (if not, more) awesome.

For Quiet Girl, almost every page I flipped generated a “Yeah, that’s so me…” or made me laugh out loud, because they’re so accurate in reflecting my own thought process.

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This page is depicting my own set up at home. The only difference is the cup of tea she holds in her hands, because I’m a coffee girl!

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I Love My Extroverted Husband_Quiet Girl in a Noisy World.PNG
True story. Mr Bear is the ultimate snore machine…

True story. Mr Bear is the ultimate snore machine…

There are so many more awesome pages but it’s best I exercise some self-control and let you discover the fun yourself. This makes a great gift for your introverted friends and an educational piece for the extroverts out there to understand how the introverts in your life function.

I recommend it!

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3-day Work Week

