Alice Teh Larsson

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My Move to Penang

I’m moving to Penang! Very busy days ahead and I’ve started packing. I’ll be joining a new company for a new and expanded role (regional platform manager) to be based at the client Intel.

The main thing on my list is finding an apartment to rent and maybe—just maybe—buy a car too. Penang is about four or five hours’ drive from Kuala Lumpur where I’m currently living.

My family is supportive of this move and has been actively involved in helping me sort things out. Leisure reading will have to be put on hold for now but I’m still hopeful about blogging at least once a week. Understandably the new job will be my top priority and I would like to get up to speed as soon as I possibly can.

I will be spending my first week of work in Singapore with my new colleagues, and if time permits, to perhaps meet up with some old friends there too. I'm counting down to June 28!