Alice Teh Larsson

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Pablo Neruda #12 and #13

Every day for the next 20 days leading to Valentine's Day, I’ll be sharing bits of Pablo Neruda's Twenty Love Poems (Veinte Poemas de Amor).

I missed posting for yesterday, so here's the 12th and 13th counting down to the celebration of ♥...


I who lived in a harbour from which I loved you.
The solitude crossed with dream and with silence.
Penned up between the sea and sadness.
Soundless, delirious, between two motionless gondoliers.

Yo que viví en un puerto desde donde te amaba.
La soledad cruzada de sueño y de silencio.
Acorralado entre el mar y la tristeza.
Callado, delirante, entre dos gondoleros inmóviles.