Alice Teh Larsson

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Find the right thing to obsess about

Thank you, Seth Godin, for this wonderful snippet of an article, Very good at a simple game.

The key to playing this simple game is figuring out the how and then committing to doing it again and again. I’m spotting a trend to what I’ve been reading everywhere, collectively: The Mundanity of Excellence, White Space, What Should Exist?, and many more.

I obsess about reading and languages. There are plentiful opportunities to interleave when I ‘marry’ the two together. And I’m not stopping any time soon.

Imagine the fun of reading Harry Potter in English, Swedish, and Italian. (I have all the three Jim Kay-illustrated editions!)

Imagine hunting for great sentences when I read books about serious business topics such as OKRs.

Imagine reading about imagination and then let your imagination run its course. Vad roligt!