Nationella prov (NP) SFI kurs C
Learn more about SFI and how to apply for it if you live, i.e., have an address in the Jönköping municipality.
I’ve been registered by my teacher to sit for the Swedish for Immigrant (SFI) national examination set to take place on 31 January and 2 February. Literally 10 days from now!
Right now, I’m practicing really hard on my writing and speaking skills, which I’ve identified as my biggest weakness. I’m also fine-tuning and strengthening my knowledge of the Swedish grammar, with special focus on bisats and satsdelar in general. I’m ganska confident of my listening and reading skills.
I can’t wait for the day when I can—once again—enjoy Swedish as a beautiful language that it is, and not having to plugga (study) for exam. This will likely take about one year to also include the completion of svenska som andraspråk (Swedish as second language). BUT, I completely embrace the philosophy of short-term ‘pain’ for long-term gain. Onward!
Related Post: I’ll be back in February!