Alice Teh Larsson

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The Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells


I’ve really enjoyed reading the Murderbot Diaries! I was looking for new books to read and found this series of sci-fi, fantasy novella.

I’ve finished reading the first two of the four novellas (All Systems Red and Artificial Condition), and I’m thrilled to know that its first, full-length standalone novel, Network Effect, will be released in May this year! The book covers are beautiful!

Updated on 29 Jan 2020: I have also finished reading book 3 (Rogue Protocol) and 4 (Exit Strategy). 😁

Updated on 15 Aug 2020: Finished reading book 5 (Network Effect).

Updated on 1 May 2021: Replaced the image of book covers in this post with the one from Amazon to include book 6 (Fugitive Telemetry).