How to be Interesting
I’m glad I chanced upon How to be Interesting by Jessica Hagy at Borders. The book is in the lovely shade of blue too. It's full of charts (just the way I like it maybe because in my work I do charts. A lot.) The contents are listed in 10 simple steps making it super easy to read.
I’ve already read the book twice while commuting in the bus this evening. Yes, it's THAT easy to read but that it's not “fluffy”—not at all. I found that I’ve already implemented many of the ideas (makes me super happy to know I'm on the right track), but I also get plenty of new ideas from this gem of a book. Ideas such as...
Cross Pollinate (seek out those with different passions; experience exponentially)
Whine Productively (I like how this sounds...)
Take Daily Vacations (even only if it’s just for a few minutes)
Learn from All Examples (yep, including from the jerks because then you can learn how not to be)
“REMAIN A STUDENT: Sign up to learn new things. Philosophy, archery, accounting, painting, diving, fire eating anything you can admit you do not understand. You never know when you’ll need a random skill.”