"Welcome to the Hyunam-dong Bookshop" by Hwang Bo-reum (i)

This is post 1/2 from reading Hwang Bo-reum’s book, Welcome to the Hyunam-dong Bookshop.

It was kind of my childhood dream. I don’t know why, but I’ve never aimed for a specific occupation. I was just not interested in becoming a doctor, or lawyer, or anything else. Neither did I want to be successful or famous. I just wanted a stable life. I mean, if I can be acknowledged for my skills in something, that’d be great, but that’s about it. I just want to be an independent person.
— Minjun's quote, "Harmony and Dissonance" p.102

How is your summer reading coming along? I’ve started reading Welcome to the Hyunam-dong Bookshop by Hwang Bo-reum and am progressing greatly.

”I just wanted a stable life.” – This simple line from the book resonated deeply with me. My thoughts:

  • Stability often conjures images of comfort and ease, but the truth is that it rarely comes without effort.

  • Stability results from countless hours of hard work, dedication, and strategic decision-making.

  • Stability is about investing in our skills, expanding our knowledge, and consistently delivering value.

I can say that it has taken all of the above to become who I am today. I’m not successful (in the usual sense of the word) and certainly not famous, but I can confidently say I have set the foundation for a balanced life where I can pursue what matters to me, all while knowing I have a secure platform to stand on. Hard work in the beginning, especially in those early years of my life when the odds were against me, but the journey was worth it.

The same applies to a business or large corporation that wants stability and a steady state. Everything—from vision to mission to strategy to execution to risk management to sustainability—must be done consistently, constantly, and well to achieve this state.

Before I get back to my book, I also think it is important to know what stability is not: It does not mean settling for mediocrity or giving up on professional growth.

On the contrary, stability means finding a sustainable balance where one can continuously learn, develop skills, and contribute meaningful work while maintaining a sense of well-being and control over one’s life.

So, Minjun (the character in the book who originated the quote) is on to something in that chat with his kind and thoughtful bookshop lady boss, Yeongju!


"Welcome to the Hyunam-dong Bookshop" by Hwang Bo-reum (ii)


My Summer Reading Book List