Hot Stuff

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There is never a dull moment in any of Elaine Fox’s novels and this includes Hot Stuff. This is a fun book and it has certainly made me laugh. After many failed romances, the thirty-something Laurel who is a writer for DC Scene decides that enough is enough and so gives up on falling in love. She thinks that “arranging” her own marriage would be a better idea. Her thinking is fueled by the book her demanding editor, Rulinda insists that she reads. The book is entitled Love Is Not the Answer.

The male protagonist in this book is Joe who is a witty, good looking guy. He owns a coffee cart outside of Laurel’s office. When Laurel and her friend Angela patronizes his stall in the beginning, he feels attracted to Laurel, but at that time does not think much of it. Just who is Joe? Is he merely a coffee cart guy or is there more to it? One thing for sure he is a wonderful person with a great personality.

Laurel shares some of the excerpt of the book she’s reading to Joe to proof a point. He thinks that the book is crap. What follows is that it brings them to work together on an article for DC Scene featuring Plain Jane and Regular Joe. Following that, a series is being born because the readers love it. One of the angles they take on is speed dating, apart from arranged marriage (something that Laurel thinks she believes in).

The story is great and definitely interesting. It is also touching towards the end. I don’t think I’d want to stop reading Elaine Fox because in my humble opinion, she churns out really great stuff.


The English Patient

