Alice Teh Larsson

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Girl, Interrupted

Girl Interrupted is a memoir that is all of these: Poignant. Funny. Optimistic. Fascinating. Stirring. It is heartbreaking and it is memorable. It drew me in immediately and got me hooked like drug.

In 1967, eighteen-year-old Susanna Kaysen (played by Winona Ryder in the 1999 movie) was put into a taxi and sent to McLean Hospital to be treated for depression. There she meets the other girls in the psychiatric ward: Lisa the sociopath (played by Angelina Jolie), Polly who sets herself on fire, Daisy who later commits suicide, another Lisa—Lisa Cody—a newcomer was is also diagnosed as a sociopath (much to Lisa’s disdain because she is the only sociopath before this Lisa Cody comes along), and Georgina is Susanna’s roommate. This SparkNotes provides a great plot summary.

Included in the book are patient’s notes with the some details blotted out to maintain privacy, so that we could catch a glimpse of the author’s condition. Profanity (mostly coming from Lisa) is also aplenty but that is expected in a book of this nature.

The following passages made me think. These are Susanna Kaysen’s thoughts (p.124 and 125):

Finally, I really like this: Sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy. I love this book. I am glad I picked this up over the weekend when I was home on Saturday.